Planned & Finished Projects

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This is the project you are currently on! It was a small one, but interesting. I really wondered if I should use light or dark mode, but I decided to go with dark one. The website is built with React (Gatsby). Most of the webpage has also been tested with Jest and testing-library. For styling, SCSS was used as a preprocessor. More about this website can be found on my github profile, which contains all the website codes.

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This was my first project which launched into production. In fact, I'm still managing that website and publish updates sometimes. There was actually a new update just a while ago! On the surface, it might look quite simple with few pages, however, that website has an application system for its community integrated into it! Unfortunately I can't really go in details as to what is used in the project, since its source code is not publicly available (and won't be). However, I've gained a lot of experience from it.

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This is an upcoming project, it will be my own blog website! I plan on posting different topics about programming and computers in general. I can't say when it will be released, but the progress is publicly availabe on my github profile. I've already began researching different things that I will talk about in it. The technologies which will be used are Typescript for a language, Tailwindcss and SCSS for styling, Cypress and Jest + testing-library/react for testing, React (Nextjs) as frontend.

Programming Skills


Javascript IconJavascript/Typescript (Proefficient)

Rust IconRust (Beginner)


MongoDB IconMongoDB (Medium)

PostgreSQL IconPostgreSQL (Beginner)

Tools, Frameworks, Libraries, Runtimes

Git IconGit/Github (Medium)

React IconReact (Medium)

NodeJS IconNodeJS (Medium)

Jest IconJest (Medium)

About me

I'm a self taught software/web developer located in Bulgaria, Varna. I've been coding for over a year and a half now. I've had experience with quite a lot of technologies, such as: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React, Rust, Python (a very little bit), Git. I've also worked with databases such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL.

I have quite a lot of passion for working with computers and technology over all. It is amazing! I spend most of my free time coding or researching different topics about computers (in fact, my blog website will have some of these topics once it is published!). I do plan on enrolling in a university for a CS degree and learning CE and SE on my own.

I hope that sometime in the future, I can gather enough experience and knowledge to be able to build my own programming community/academy which will be focus on teaching the fundamentals of the digital world instead of simply showing how the newest shiny library works. It's a long road ahead, but I'm fully willing to walk it. I always enjoy learning new things about computers, regardless of what they are about. All technologies have their uniqueness and uses. Just like a tool in a tool-shed, use what is most appropriate.